October 4th - 5th, 2024

2024 Participant Biographies

Rev. Joanne Carroll
Executive Director

Joanne M. Carroll is the Executive Director of Trans Advocacy Pennsylvania; a Commissioner on the Pennsylvania Commission on LGBTQ Affairs; a Past President of TransCentralPA, and is a Past President of Equality PA and is a Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans. She serves as a Consultant to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and is a member of the Governors’ LGBT Working Group, the Millersville University - President’s Commission on Gender and Sexual Diversity, and is a member of the Transgender American Veterans Association and is the Co-Chair of the Keystone Conference, “A Celebration of Gender Diversity”. Her advocacy and activism has been noteworthy! In 2022 she was honored as one of the 100 most influential LGBTQ leaders in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and was selected again for 2023. Recently the YWCA of Harrisburg named her as a Woman of Excellence for 2023. She is an active member of the Penn Central Conference, UCC (United Church of Christ) - Open and Affirming Ministry Team, and served Christ Church United Church of Christ in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, as President of its Consistory. She is an active member of Lancaster County Embrace, a group providing support to congregations that affirm LGBTQ persons of faith. She is currently a seminary student pursuing a Masters Degree in Divinity.